Back to work
Back to work
On May 11th 2020, lockdown measures were slightly lessened and our suppliers reopened meaning that after 8 weeks off the van we were finally able to get back on board and start frying again. We had been missing seeing the faces of our regular customers and driving through the stunning views of the Dales so much.
It took us one week to get everything we needed in order for our reopening. We needed stock delivering, spreadsheets made for the pre orders, phones set up, and most importantly a big clean down of the van and prep room.
Our new day looks a bit like this:
Adele cleans the van and prep area for a couple couple of hours first thing.
Eddie then goes onto our prep room, rumbles and chips the potatoes, and pin bones the fish before returning home for some lunch. He then returns to work one hour before we need to leave base and loads up the van ready for our first stop.
Jennifer stays at home taking pre order phone calls between 9am-3pm before Eddie picks her up on route to the first stop.
It’s taking a lot of getting used to and sorting out the finer points of trying to balance the villages and amount of time we need per village. This has meant we have had to miss some usual villages too. We are hoping that this ‘new normal’ has been easy to adjust to for you guys and that we can continue to serve you delicious fish and chips as safely as possible.