Ramsay's Fish and Chip Van

Established in 1980, Ramsay's fish and chip van provides freshly fried fish and chip suppers on an evening to villages in the Yorkshire Dales. We also provide outside and event catering.

Ramsay's Mobile Fish and Chip Van Blog

Regular fishy thoughts and potato pondering from the team.

March 100 miles

March 100 miles for mind

During the month of March, Jennifer has taken on a challenge to walk 100 miles throughout the month for the mental health charity ‘mind’ It works out at roughly 3.2 miles each day or 7300 steps a day. Obviously not many steps can be done in the van so most the walking is done on her lunch breaks with her 9 month old Labrador, Asti. To follow her progress you can visit the Facebook page dedicated to it by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/donate/703623974340897/?fundraiser_source=external_url